About Us
Dance of the Phoenix
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Dance of the Phoenix Program
The Dance of the Phoenix program is an inclusive dance
program designed to teach a variety of students, including those with disabilities. Dance technique is taught in a fun, relaxed,
and safe environment. Traditional dance technique is learned along with fun and
innovative methods. Classes are adapted to the needs and abilities of each student. We welcome students of all ages, genders, ability levels, and body types.
The Phoenix
The Phoenix is a mythical, winged dragon-like creature
that flies close to the sun. It is said that the Phoenix existed when the world began, thus it understands the secrets
of creation. The legend is that every 500 years, the Phoenix is burned to ashes. However, it does not die.
Instead, it rises from the ashes to begin life anew. The Phoenix represents our
ability to overcome our challenges, and to live life with zest and joy. Much like the incredible creature of mythology,
our Dance of the Phoenix program is dedicated to rebirth and renewal.
Bay City Ballet (formerly Tampa Dancenter)
Dance of the Phoenix classes
are located at Bay City Ballet, where students experience a higher standard of excellence in dance education. Bay
City Ballet is committed to offering the finest dance training- whether students aspire to careers in dance or simplly
what to enjoy a challenging and stimulating form of exercise as well as a highly respected and disciplined art form.
For more information about Bay City Ballet, please call (727) 657-7796.
Phoenix Behavior Services, LLC
Dance of the Phoenix program is sponsored by Phoenix Behavior Services, LLC.
The mission of Phoenix Behavior Services, LLC is to provide state-of-the-art behavior analysis techniques to developmentally
disabled and/or behaviorally challenged children and adults in Pinellas county, to increase their independence, safety, and
integration into the community. For more information about Phoenix Behavior Services, LLC, please visit www.phoenixbehavior.com or call (727) 736-3496.